Village of
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
605 Highland Ave.
St. Paul's is Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)
In the summer of 1885, St. John’s Lutheran church of Lomira released fifteen of its member families to the west who founded St. Paul’s Lutheran Church No. 2 in Brownsville and built a church on Main Street. (St. Paul’s No. 1 was in the Town of Lomira and is now known as the Half-Way Church.) The following men are listed as founders of the congregation: William Zinke, Sr., Wilhelm Beitz, Gustav Rusch, Carl Schmeling Sr., Adolph Raasch, Charles F. Kuen, August Geisthardt, W. M. Bloohm, John Wiedenheft, Herman Micheel, Carl Schultz, Sr., Jacob Wurtz, Sr., Fred Friese, Frank W. Kuen, August F. Schultz. At noontime on September 6, 1909, the first parsonage was destroyed by a fire caused by the explosion of a gasoline stove.
By 1910, church membership had grown to 105 families. A decision to build a new church was made on February 3, 1915. The cornerstone was laid in June and building was completed in November. This is the church that stands today.